Henry Borden Hydroelectric Power Plant

The Henry Borden complex, located on the foot of the Serra do Mar, in Cubatão, encompasses two high (720 m) fall power plants, called External and Underground, with 14 groups of generators, powered by Pelton turbines, totaling an installed capacity of 889 MW, for a flow rate of 157 cubic meters/s. Since October 1992, the operation of this system is complying with the conditions established by the Joint Resolution SMA/SES 03/92, dated 10/04/92, updated by Resolution o SEE-SMA-SRHSO-I, dated 03/13/96, which only allows the pumping of the waters of the Pinheiros River into the Billings Reservoir for flood management purposes, decreasing in approximately 75% the energy produced in the Henry Borden power plant.

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thermoelectric power station
hydroelectric power stations